

easy sweatshirt doily-application DIY

oh, and again I've managed to disappear from here for a little while. it wasn't planned, but all this fuss with moving and starting kind of a new life... well, I guess it just has to take time. I even missed the fact that autumn's here and it's not a baby autumn any more, but a real grown up and a bit gloomy lady.

I want to show you sth that I actually done last spring, but never had a chance to post here - an easy sweatshirt application DIY.
the idea was simple - I needed sth that would hide name of the brand (hate clothes with brands and logos all over) and because I was in a hurry, this had to be a quick action. and so I thought: how about some old doilies? :)

this is how it goes:

easy sweatshirt application DIY

1. put your sweatshirt flat
2. prepare all materials: doilies, scissors, pins, needle and thread same colour as the doilies

easy sweatshirt application DIY

3. place all doilies the way you want them to be attached
4. pin each doily
5.&  6. start sewing the doilies - it's best to start with the largest. sew them on the edges and procede to catch some stitches in the middle - it will prevent them from ruffling

easy sweatshirt application DIY
et voila;)

I've been wearing my sweatshirt for a few months now and there are no sad surprises - nothing's falling apart or ruffling even after quite a few encounters with a washing machine.
hope you'll like it:)



Slavica | Pickpocket said...

Stvarno, stalno nestaješ!;)
Ova dukserica sad izgleda savršeno! Volim ove male hekane 'stvari'.
Baš sam mnogo sličnih pronašla u bakinim ladicama i po potkrovlju, sad smišljam gdje ću sve da ih zašijem. ;)

staklene bombone | hard candies said...

ma bre, takav zivot:) ove godine selila sam se bezbroj puta, stalno sam negde izmedju tri grada, dve drzave i gomilu stana, a svugde neki drugi zivoti i tako tesko je na kraju krajeva fokusirati se na jednoj stvari. ali - kao i vidis - ne prestajem u pokusajima i vracam se tu kao bumerang;)