who doesn’t like old pictures? well, I like them and – to be honest – the less I know about photographed people, the more I enjoy watching. it’s so cool to imagine their stories, characters and circumstances that the pic was taken in. it may sound bit like a high school hobby, but still, it’s fun!
these two beneath we found some days ago on one of the flea markets and I love them so much! the nerdy looking guy and the fake dustin hoffman are just so intriguing – I mean what is the strange looking shop-window in a background? what are the boxes that they carry? in what country/city are they? are they a father and a son? an uncle and a nephew? and maybe they're just neighbours? who took the picture? does the young one play in a band (the sewer says he does)? if yes, what instrument?
the second one makes me laugh – it’s the coolest picture of a football game I have ever seen: there is hardly any action, players are strolling on the field, relaxed goalkeeper's calmly walking towards a ball and just a goal itself as a central piece. priceless. and again – who’s playing? who’s in a goal? who won? was the game worth watching?
any answers?
ps. I’m kind of excited about the new bags that we’re preparing. it seems they are going to be my favourite so far!

you're right, it is kind of interesting (and mysterious)to "fill in the blanks" about the people in the photos :)
na prvoj uvećanoj fotki, sa desne strane iznad momkovog ramena mislim da piše arbitten, a i u refleksiji izloga se vidi natpis prekoputa isto mislim na stranom jeziku..sad si me zaintrigirala...
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