have you ever tried to imagine world in black and white? in shades of grey only? luxury grey of ava gardner and common grey of charlie chaplin.
no red, blue and green. no violet and pop pink. android green and candy apple red. bulgarian rose and american rose. banana mania and blue bell. hot magenta and lapis lazuli. mint cream and old lace. pumpkin and razzmatazz. no spiro disco ball and no vegas gold. no colours that only you can name.
I look outside and see the sky being just as grey as it can be – no worries though, there are still months of colours ahead. but what if the world knew black and white only? would we have names for different shades of grey, black and white (we could steal them from the eskimo people)?
I definitelly leave all shades of grey to ava gardner.
ps. we have a whole happy-bunch of new fabrics (and colours;)).

Divan tekst! Skoro me je neko pitao da li sanjam u boji, i kao, bila sam začuđena, jer kako bih drugačije sanjala nego u boji. I zaista, ima ljudi koji ne vide boje u snovima. A ja baš volim svoje snove. Bili bi skroz tužni da su samo crno-bijeli...
There are many things we don't know, but we still have names for it ;)
and... there are many shades of grey, believe me - it can be also warm :)I learned to like this colour.
so true, fox. I guess we tend to give names to things we don't know just to be able to classify them, not to get to understand them. oh, we're so much the people of charts and names! and yes, I believe grey can be fun, though I still have a problem to call it a colour;)
slavice - ja se ne sećam boje u snovima. retko kad se desi da mi boja igra neku ulogu u snu. verovatno moje sareno antidotum za sve mozdane bolesti i sive misli radi samo preko dana;) u svakom slucaju, steta i zavidim ti!
love all these brights! xo
My też kochamy kolor:) i last.fm, bo tam nitka żywa pozostała, po której do kłębka dotarłem. Pięknie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
auuuu!!! ahooooj!!! internet do cna wypełniają ślady! ja znikam mimowolnie, ale nigdy się nie gubię, bo i tak zawsze można mnie znaleźć idąc starymi tropami;)
o brygado, obrygado, obrigado, obrigada! :)
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