oh erased habits and abandoned pleasures! we sometimes promise ourselves we shall come back to them one day. the legendary „one day” of course never happens, as there are too many new challenges, habits, enterteinments to even try to make it happen.
some stopped doing sports, some reading books, others don’t send/collect holiday postcards or learn new languages any more. or write letters…
packing for any lonely journey I took used to finish with copleting some envelopes and sheets of paper in order to be able to let my obsessive passion flourish: writing letters while sipping coffees in local cafes, sitting on park benches, waiting long hours on train stations and airports. stealling pens from shops and post offices, secretly tearing pages from hostel guest books when left short of paper.
the grey pack-paper envelopes is what I liked most until I found an old-style triangle-back envelope, opened it and made it my template of beloved shape. bought large sheets of cards in EKIERKA paper shop nearby and started a little manufacture. my life-long habit of collecting parts of newspapers, magazines, leaflets, colourful papers was of use and the colourful garbage hit the envelopes’ front!
and when I moved far from the spring of cheap ekierka-cards I started using old callendars, posters, folders as a base – anything that was large and tough enough to make it work well.
some people watch tv, some exercise, some eat, some sleep and I used to visit paperland when I felt bit brainwashed. my nonsense collection of hundreds of stars cut from newspapers is a living proof of how brainwashed I could sometimes get… :)
another step after coming back to making envelops should be writing letters. hopefully!
ps. neverending winter is most probably the best time to make the legendary "one day" happen!

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