

busy busy

a loooot of work! a lot of cutting. a lot of sewing. a lot of colours. our little manufacture does its best. but no complain – work is good!

soon we shall be here (belgrade)!
and then here (toruń)!
and then in my sweetest gdansk (I’ll put some info about it as soon as I get one)!

unfortunatelly, only bags go to poland - we stay here...

oh, and it seems spring has tracked serbia and finally hit the road! go girl, go!


work work



MaryGlamLady said...

preslatke su m i ove hand-made vizit kartice :)

staklene bombone | hard candies said...

ajaj! tek sam spazila koment:)
vizitkrpice su razlog naseg unutrasnjeg sukoba - meni se svidjaju, a gospodin krojac kaze da zbog cepanja su ble. evo, jos jedan glas po mojoj strani;) bas ti hvala!:)